I've managed to raise awareness of the importance of seeing us trans people as unique individuals rather than slutty, seedy pseudo-stereotypes perpetrated by those who cannot let go of draconian religious dogma. I'm glad my Lutheran Christian faith has been strengthened this year, having explored biblical quotations and texts that show Jesus was an inclusive, not divisive figure. It's been essential to realise too that intersexuality and asexuality deserves more media exposure so that the populous at large understand that being different isn't necessarily a bad thing and that queers, asexual and intersexual people deserve the same respect and attention that lesbian, gay, bi and trans people have gotten as part of the LGBTQIA community. Rejecting the Alt-Right poster-boy troll Milo's call to turn LGBTQIA people against each other on the basis of religion or fear needs to be continued well into 2017, especially now he's gone and got himself a book deal. Let's just say I'm yawning and tutting at the prospect of reading his explanations for hatred against those who are Gun Sense activists or Feminists, let alone his blatant Islamophobia. A Juvenalian laugh a minute, I suspect. #Sad.
Unlike Failo, I've found much joy in trying to help others in an active way. I've joined an amazing charity, GenderFreeDV that aims to improve service provision for all survivors of domestic abuse and domestic violence, irrespective of gender identity, sexuality, age, race, nationality, disability or religious beliefs. I've even managed to tell two of my favourite actresses, Heida Reed and Ruby Bentall, how much I admire their work, especially on Poldark (and also to declare my undying love for Mr Jack Farthing, who can't seem to do no wrong portraying the despicable George Warleggan with the same level of aplomb as the incredibly sweet Freddie Threepwood of Blandings fame).
So now my attention turns to concocting a new set of fitting New Years Resolutions that don't need to commandeered from the mouths of babes or Donnie Drumpf. Some are confoundedly easier to come up with than others but it's always good to try and outdo one's performance from the previous year....and since swearing to be morally better than silly Alt-Righters is a particularly low benchmark, it shouldn't be so much of a problem this coming year.
- I aim to finish my supposedly incredibly important current writing projects:
- an exploration of Mrs Bennett's early life as the young wayward daughter of a country lawyer whose father has been besmirched by the actions of a cousin who can't help but be an overt chancer, philanderer and embezzler.
- a satirical piece on traversing the boundaries of gender non-binary and trans acceptability...everything from the astounding moment that you find out being a trans woman means you can only really date straight and bi guys (bring on the muscle bound cheapskates and low down woman haters, as Annie Lennox warned us about in the Eurhythmics' 1987 hit song, "I Need A Man") to confessing you own 12 boxes of sterling silver jewellery and causing your girl friends to go into shock when they see you own more multi-glittery David Bowie style platform sandals than they do.
- I want to help inspire more Millennials to get involved in politics, at a local, national and international level. As I talked about in my previous blogpost, it's essential to try and shake off the apathetic mood that has currently gripped our country in the aftermath of the Brexit vote. Voters need to realise that social and economic changes happen when we work together to tell Establishment figures that enough is enough; that empty platitudes and divisive policies that only benefit the top 20% in society aren't the way forward. Chronic underfunding of local services needs to be challenged and the Government can't use the Brexit process as a reason not to make the necessary changes to funding decisions for rural counties. Social care needs more sustainable funding streams, SEN pupils deserve more 1-1 support in mainstream schools to help them, achieve the 5 A*-C grades they need to enter the local workforce. Whether Millennials choose to join a local party branch, blog/podcast/vlog their opinions and views or just bother to turn up to the polling station on election day, it would be better than the current unwillingness to engage on political subjects for fear of not making a real difference. If we don't try, we can't complain when policy decisions are made that go against our own wishes and aspirations for a better country. Anyways read my blogpost if you want to know more about my sentiments : http://sassysvensknorsk.blogspot.co.uk/2016/12/reflections-at-christmastide-2016.html
- I'm going to continue working with GenderFreeDV to help raise their profile nationally and perhaps to help secure funding for key research to be undertaken into the reasons why there are low reporting levels of DVA amongst the LGBTQIA community and male survivors. I want to look into ways of making services more accessible to those who have a disability or have been victims of familial violence as a result of going against decisions made on the basis of a family relative's faith. I want to make sure that Sex and Relationships Education is implemented nationally and must be attended by all students regardless of their faith background. It's time to realise that having freedom of religious expression doesn't mean we can use it to harm others; it doesn't give a father licence to beat his daughter for refusing to marry the man he has chosen for her or for a mother to threaten her teenage son with cutting off financial aid because he has come out as LGBQIA (especially as the UK tax payer may be paying her Child Benefit to help support him during his educational period). I can't wait to meet with MPs such as the Shadow Women and Equalities Minister Sarah Champion or the Women and Equalities Minister Justine Greening to talk through these issues in depth and to work with Jess Phillips on a proposed DVA bill that will address service provision for male survivors.
- I hope to find an Administrative based job to help support me whilst I'm getting my writing completed. I have the skills, having studied English and Philosophy at York and then Accountancy and HR postgraduate wise but it seems difficult to get my foot on the jobs ladder. I've explored HR and trans issues through different prisms in my blogpost and I hope that I've helped those currently employed in workplaces around the world to have the strength to confide in their HR professional if they are a victim of workplace bullying or harassment or have decided to transition openly. I'd love to give HR advice and support myself within a large organisation one day and I'll keep applying for HR positions to help do this.
- I'm going to keep updating my blog and move into podcasting because I realise that some people would prefer hearing what I say in a short broadcast rather than having to scroll down my blog. I'm hoping to do it at least once a fortnight and to focus on a number of issues, including Votes at 16, left wing politics, LGBTQIA policy and transfeminism whilst making them accessible to those who may not have heard about such issues before. It's a bit daunting for me to think about it because I'm worried my verbal voice won't translate as well as my written voice but I'll give it a good go!
- Finally I'm going to be a lot more like Eddie Monsoon. I started my blog with her as a key inspiration and it's time to have oodles more fun just as she seemed to have in early middle age. No longer do I feel the need to hide myself away because of my body, gender identity or disability. I'm going to continue my Magpie antics, wear more amazingly swishy sequin dresses and just enjoy my life.
So it's time to say Ta-rah to 2016. I can't say it's been great 99% of the time but at least I've survived your soul destroying antics...just. You may have taken some amazing celebrities and it seems like the end of a truly progressive era but the fear you have espoused only makes me more determined to get my voice heard, to help craft a new generation of game-changers who want to improve the lives of ordinary folk like ourselves, whether they help create "super happy fake news" masquerading as exhilarating Horatian satire, to having the sheer gall slash bravery to stand as local councillors in the next round of elections. 2017 will be the year that progressive positivity takes over, banishing political and artistic apathy back where it belongs...lingering under the shivering, sad depths of people who share Donnie Drumpf's dark chameleonic soul. I wish all my blog readers and ideological foe a very happy, prosperous New Year 2017!
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